Iran Tests Missile - Will Israel Attack?
The report said the elite Revolutionary Guards also had launched several types of short-range missiles in a central desert area of Iran.
The Middle East is abuzz with ugly rumours. One of them is so dire - and comes from sources in so many capital cities - that it has to be taken seriously.
The suggestion is that the Israeli government has served notice on the White House that it must take pre-emptive action against Iran's sites of nuclear weapons development - or Israel will go it alone and do the job itself. Israel has apparently given Bush a deadline of six months.
The First Post
The thing that is different in regards to "our" reaction this time:
There has been no stream of rhetoric from the administration. Eerily silent. Granted we are only days away from an election so that may be at least some of it.
You do realize we are conducting "war games" in the Persian Gulf as we speak though, right? Oh, and then there are those strike groups we sent over there this month.
Between that and the uncharacteristic silence from our fearless leaders and the fact that post-election Bush has roughly a 2-month window of opportunity to act with the approval of what has essentially been a "rubber-stamp" congress......I'm a little disturbed.
Ok, more than a little, currently running somewhat below panic but hovering dangerously close to "overwhelming feelings of dread & apprehension".
Posted by
Not Your Mama |
4:28 pm, November 02, 2006
Here is a related item from today's Jerusalem Post:
Bush would understand attack on Iran
Posted by
leftdog |
7:40 pm, November 02, 2006
"One thing though, should Israel choose to attack soon ... while the US & the others are in the vicinity of Iran, wouldn't the latter be forced to intervene in order to prevent retaliation?"
Hard question - It is simply too volatile a region to even think that something like an attack on Iran by anyone wouldn't spin out of control.
Posted by
leftdog |
8:12 pm, November 02, 2006
furgaia, agreed. The timing is such, I just can't see Bush doing anything too extreme before the mid term vote. Yet, I am one of those who is not convinced that the Democrats are going to get control of either House. If the Republicans hold both Senate and Congress, then I belive Bush will see that as an endorsment of his foreign policy AND all bets will be off as it relates to Iran. Now we wait and see.
Posted by
leftdog |
9:03 pm, November 02, 2006