Le Canadien défait Tampa Bay 3-1
Le Canadien l'emporte 3-1
Par la suite, le Canadien a défait le Lightning 3-1, pour savourer un deuxième gain de suite.
Le Canadien s'est ainsi détaché de l'équipe de Tampa Bay au 12e rang de l'Association Est.
En signant un deuxième succès de suite pour la première fois en l'espace de presque un mois, le Tricolore a de plus a vengé l'échec de 4-3 subi à Tampa, il y a un peu plus d'une semaine.
Michael Blunden, son premier en 18 matchs dans l'uniforme du Canadien, Max Pacioretty et Erik Cole ont déjoué Mathieu Garon, auteur de 25 arrêts. Pacioretty a aussi amassé une aide.
Vincent Lecavalier, son 15e, a été le seul qui a trompé la vigilance de Carey Price, qui a repoussé 23 lancers.
Le CH arrive donc à la mi-saison avec un dossier de 16-18-7, bon pour 39 points. C'est huit de moins qu'après 41 matchs, la saison dernière (fiche de 22-16-3).
Le Devoir
Parlé avec l'humeur
LOL Good post LD
Posted by
9:32 am, January 08, 2012
Merci!! :)
Posted by
leftdog |
9:45 am, January 08, 2012
Go Habs Go! Wait a minute how do we say that in English? Our lives are so perfect that all we complain and fight about is the sounds coming out of our vocal chords. Think about it, is it worth fighting over invented sounds that we as humans put together to convey messages to each other? What if we all just grunt and make signs with our arms and legs, the message will still get across and we are still part of the human race. A language does not make a nation, a language is only sounds, values make a nation.
Posted by
Vahan |
12:26 pm, January 08, 2012
The only people making grunts and signs with their arms and legs are the blathering assholes that fight tooth and nail to divide this country . . . and keep the monarchy.
However, discrimination and bigotry over language IS absurd!!!
Posted by
Canadian Patriot |
1:21 pm, January 09, 2012
I hear you Canadian Patriot, I am a Montrealer, a Quebecer and a proud Canadian. This is true for the majority of Quebecers, don't let the media fool you on that point. Unfortunately it is easier to convince people they have imagined grievances than to show them how fortunate they really are. This is our "first world" problem, we are never happy with our green grass it seems. But when you look long and hard, really not that hard, we have a fantastic country, great social programs that help pick up people when they are down, and pretty good laws protecting us against corporations that may want to take advantage of us. Well up to now. There is a government in power that wants to mess up the country by poking sticks into everyones eyes. I believe the government in power wants to sow seeds of discontent to keep themselves in power. This is disgusting, what type of person wants to turn neighbour against neighbour? We have seen this in Quebec for a generation, politicians advocating hate against their own citizens and manipulating the weak minded, while they laugh all the way to power. Disgusting pieces of filth, and now those in Ottawa have taken a page out of this playbook. Filth.
Posted by
Vahan |
8:52 am, January 10, 2012
I'm going to have to disagree with you on your claim that Canada is a fantastic country. Despite its perks, we're not living in a democratic nation; we are living under a monarchy, which is one of the most evil forms of government imaginable; everything else is designed to work around it. Why should any power be vested in someone or something that's unelected? This is the most important of many problems we're plagued with that we must tackle headlong. As for this statement: "There is a government in power that wants to mess up the country by poking sticks into everyones eyes. I believe the government in power wants to sow seeds of discontent to keep themselves in power. This is disgusting, what type of person wants to turn neighbour against neighbour? We have seen this in Quebec for a generation, politicians advocating hate against their own citizens and manipulating the weak minded, while they laugh all the way to power. Disgusting pieces of filth, and now those in Ottawa have taken a page out of this playbook. Filth." The politicians have always done this since the day of this artificial country's confederation because sovereignty is vested in a monarch, not the people. They've done this nationally and provincially all the time, in every province, especially in Alberta. I am a proud Canadian as well, but I also recognize that there's a lot of fixin' to be done, and the first burden we're going to have to battle is the monarchy and its minions.
Posted by
Canadian Patriot |
12:45 pm, January 10, 2012
Canadian Patriot I can see where you are coming from and where you want to go. Yet you have to see how our culture as Canadians have allowed us to have discussions like this. Civilized debates where all sides are heard and where we debate as adults. What is more democratic than that? Our neighbours to the south, always jump up and down to prove they are the most democratic country in the world. Yet try to disagree with one side or another, there is an instant call to arms and some even go out guns blazing to kill fellow citizens. Whereas we in Canada actually allow separatists to take part in our democracy, hold office at the federal level and even form the opposition party. We may disagree with them, but we are democratic and mature enough to allow them a voice. In other countries they would be strung up on trees. This is our democracy, this is our culture, this is what makes us Canadians. We debate, we exchange ideas, mold our ideas to fit into what we have just learned from debating and grow. Now what is there not to love about that? What we have to do is fight the people that want to stifle that aspect of our country by shutting down debate. Like I said before, I see where you are coming from and I will digest your ideas and learn more about it.
Posted by
Vahan |
1:17 pm, January 10, 2012
I had mistakenly made a post under a different email.
Posted by
Canadian Patriot |
1:50 pm, January 10, 2012
And mind you that there's a point when talk does nothing, and moves us nowhere. We're constantly against those in power, yet talking them to death will change nothing.
Posted by
Canadian Patriot |
1:51 pm, January 10, 2012
(Technical note to Cdn Patriot) Eblogger will not let me 'cut & past' someone else's comment. The only options I have for a post are 'publish' or 'delete'. FYI
Posted by
leftdog |
2:55 pm, January 10, 2012