
Monday, September 16, 2013

Postmedia's Attempted Rehabilitation Of Stephen Harper's Crappy Image ....

Progressive Bloggers  

Stephen Harper's image and popularity has taken a bit of a nose dive lately. Senate scandals, arrogant government and other assorted Tory sins have left Mr. Harper facing the prospect that  the nation is getting ready to dump him.

To the rescue ..... Canada's corporate media! Image rehabilitation is in full swing!

How Canada's corporate media is trying to rehab Harper's image with the nation


  1. This "journalist" must be bucking for a seat in the Senate. To paraphrase a political ad that Harper ran against former NDP leader Ed Broadbent...Stephen Harper is a "Very Scary Guy."

  2. Ever since 2006, I've been saying that Harper's real legacy will be the redemption of Brian Mulroney.

    So far, he's right on track to finish making Lyin' Brian look like a first rate statesman in comparison.

  3. I read the whole series online. It was pretty short.

    I don't think it was too flattering of Harper, really. It wasn't attacking him either.

    And unless you're in love the man, what wasn't said; the "negative space" in the article, is obvious (and likely intentional). You can't argue with how little this guy had done with his life prior to becoming PM. Even most career politicians had at least done something.
