Sask MSM Finally Breaks Its Silence On Coverage Of Possible Theft Of PC Trust Fund By Wall's Saskatchewan Party
"A three-member panel from the Court of Appeal reserved its decision Thursday on whether the Saskatchewan Party will remain a defendant in an ongoing lawsuit launched by the provincial Progressive Conservative Party in 2007. The case revolves around an allegation that Saskatchewan Party employees or caucus members conspired with five trustees of the PC party's estimated $2.9 million trust fund to deprive the revived party of money it needed to run PC candidates in the 2007 provincial election."
Regina Leader-Post
"Given the gravity of the issue, Wall's convenient absence when reporters wanted to ask him about this issue, and Justice Minister Don Morgan's nonsense that his party does not comment on matters before the courts, are simply unacceptable. (Really, sir? You and your party in Opposition never asked the NDP about matters before the courts, such as Spudco or the Murdoch Carriere case?)Setting aside the NDP's eagerness to score political points, the Saskatchewan Party clearly owes the public an explanation of its involvement with the fund."
Saskatoon Star Phoenix
Spudco case was sealed and are you proud of the way the NDP handled Murdock Carriere?
Posted by
Trent |
12:58 pm, April 16, 2010
Trent Trent Trent ... Murdoch Carriere ... ?! Come on .. Shall we get into a tit for tat litany of the sins of the Saskatchewan Party??? The PC Trust issue is all about the $3 Million that was put in the care of the trust directors ... you know the 5 of them who took out Saskatchewan Party memberships, changed the terms of reference for the Trust itself, and have now ensured that the PC's cannot access one cent of their money? That one of the main members of the PC Trust directors ended up as a card carrying Saskie in Wall's transition team? Come on .... Murdoch Carriere (?!) .... give me a break - Wall got caught overseeing shenanigans with that PC money and the press has had no choice now but to start reporting on the story.
Years ago the Manitoba Conservaties got caught funneling money to create an aboriginal party to run in NDP seats there and siphon off some of their vote. When that became publically known, the government was thrown out and have been out of power for 3 or 4 terms now.
This PC trust scandal is going to be the achilles heel that will make 2011 far closer than you will likely now acknowledge.
Posted by
leftdog |
2:48 pm, April 16, 2010