In TOTAL Condemnation Of Ottawa Fire Bombing - There Is NO Place For Violence As A Political Tool Ever

No matter where you reside on the political spectrum, from the far Right to the far Left, there can be no acceptance of violence in political discourse. None whatsoever. Period.
-Ottawa Citizen
Idyuts playing with lives. It strikes me as being lazy revolution..or having read "V for Vendetta once too often".
Isn't it a trend with people like this ala the german group of the '70s, the American Militias of the '80s et al that they tend to hit financial institutions with the purported aim of ideology and end up bank robbers with elaborate excuses?
Posted by
Niles |
7:32 pm, May 20, 2010
What I found irritating were all the tweebs commenting on the YouTube video who objected to it being called terrorism.
Right down to the title of the video, wherein the firebombers were described as "protesters".
Yeah... no.
Posted by
Patrick Ross |
10:18 pm, May 20, 2010
I confess I haven't read the graphic novel yet. But the domino scene in the movie still gives me chills when I see it.
Posted by
Patrick Ross |
11:47 pm, May 20, 2010
It's never a good thing when Patsy drops by your blog.
Posted by
double nickel |
5:50 pm, May 22, 2010
As a Saskparty member and a federal PC voter there are only a few rare times when I read your blog entries and agree with you. This time however happens to be one of those rare times. As you said, violence should never be used to further a political agenda.
Posted by
Unknown |
1:39 pm, May 25, 2010