"Harper's Flood Tour Was A Public Relations Washout" Regina Leader-Post Editorial
Thursday's flying visit to the flood-ravaged Yorkton area was a classic Harper "photo op", with handlers steering newspaper and TV cameras into prime positions while deftly keeping reporters and their pesky questions well away from the PM. [...]
It's tempting to blame Harper's media handlers, since the prime minister was seen chatting amiably enough with locals at the airport and there are anecdotal accounts from around the country that, in person, Harper is much warmer and friendly than his often frosty image.
The official line was that the prime minister "doesn't have time". Or was it, "doesn't have the inclination"?
Didn't someone quietly suggest to Harper that he amble over to the media horde and through them tell the whole province -- from the heart -- just how terrible he feels about this disaster?
Heck, maybe someone did suggest that, but it's extremely doubtful and highly unlikely that Harper would have acted on it because it's just not his style.
And it's not just reporters Harper seems to loathe. It's anyone who appears to question him.
Regina Leader-Post Editorial
" . . .And it's not just reporters Harper seems to loathe. It's anyone who appears to question him."
Certainly not the hallmark of a leader. It beats me how so many Canadians can tolerate so off-putting a leader(?) as he.
Time for a change at the top. Time for a new leadership of the nation.
It's hard to find many worthy of rallying around.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:14 pm, July 10, 2010