Sask NDP Leadership Candidate Erin Weir Welcomes Brad Wall's Childish Attack Ad
Saskatchewan's Right wing Premier, Brad Wall, is obviously getting worried that NDP leadership candidates are getting more press than he is ... hence the launch of a Sask Party attack ad right in the middle of the NDP leadership campaign.
The Erin Weir campaign has officially welcomed Wall's childish attack ad. Anything that promotes discussion of the real issues is good for the province.
Expect the focus and public discussion to quickly move towards the massive natural resource give away that Brad Wall is conducting in Saskatchewan.
(Recommend this post to other Progressive Bloggers)
As Brad Wall likes to point out, the levels of royalties charged to the large transnational corporations that are extracting our non-renewable natural resources were actually set by the Romanow and Calvert governments. And he adds that he sees no reason to change them. It is nice to see someone in the NDP who has the courage to say that not everything that NDP governments have done in the past have been good for the province and cannot be challenged.
Posted by
John Warnock |
2:46 pm, October 31, 2012