Bernard Shapiro, the federal Ethics Commissioner has launched an investigation into the role that Prime Minister Stephen Harper played in enticing former Liberal MP David Emerson to cross over to the Conservatives. The Commissioner will determine what transpired to cause the switch.
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Gotta love it. The Ethics Prime Minister being investigated by the Ethics Commissioner for enticing an elected parliamentarian to walk away from his voters and join another party.
“Superficial criticism” my foot!
It will be very interesting to see just how much of this investigation is made public, and how cooperative Messrs Harper and Emerson will be.
I am sure the voters of Vancouver Kingsway would like public disclosure of the materials provided to and part of the Ethics Commissioner’s investigation.
By the way, I wonder if the Commissioner will be calling for evidence from others directly involved? I could just imagine the number of disaffected Liberal party members who volunteered time and money to elect Emerson, relishing in his statements of opposition to Mr Harper’s New Tories, who would now welcome a chance personally to explain to the Commissioner just how much they feel cheated by the defection of their MP.
Must be at least a dozen voters who would like to explain their dismay, perhaps hundreds ...
Could be a long hearing.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:11 pm, March 03, 2006
You are sooooooo right!! This is going to be a great story to follow. What do you think the odds are of a byelection in Kingsway in the not too distant future?
Posted by
leftdog |
4:47 pm, March 03, 2006
As soon as the unbiased Liberal appointed "ethics" commisioner finishes with Valeri, Stronach, Brison, Goodale, and all other scandal plagued Liberals, then we can talk. Until then, this is a fishing trip by desperate sore losers Liberals with a case of the sour grapes and the NDP trying to buy political capital.
Sorry guys this won't fly.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:49 pm, March 03, 2006
Its ironic that Ed Broadbent himself said Shapiro has no credibilty left. But everything you guys are saying here says otherwise.
What a joke.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:51 pm, March 03, 2006
Just noticed that CTV claims Harper is preparing to “dump” the Ethics Commissioner.
Oh yippee! Our very own Saturday Night Massacre ...
Brought to us by Harper’s New Tories. His first import from Bushland. What’s next? Stars wars systems? Troops in Iraq? Bloated budgets and deficits?
Can’t wait to see.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:54 am, March 07, 2006