One of Harpers Five Pillars Mysteriously Disappears

Canadians are starting to get used to the crafty political games that our Prime Minister insists on playing.
Remember the FIVE PILLARS that he so loudly announced and trumpeted througout the nation? Well looks like he actually meant his FOUR PILLARS! OOooops!
Mr. Harper, excuse me sir, are your 'pants on fire'?
Winnipeg Sun
Conservative Website (until they get embarrased and take it down)
that was just a bone thrown to right of centre liberal leaning voters to not think he was going to trash our publically funded health care system. The neo con strategy is to let the pubic system fall a part and than ask the private system to come in and fix it. Same old game - death by a thousand cuts. Of course, I don't expect the liberals, for all their rhetoric about being pubic defenders of health care to do much about this except make empty promises or out right suggest private health paid for by public funds.
Posted by
susansmith |
6:18 pm, September 20, 2006
The Tories go on and on and on about 'ethics'. No ethics here - same old tory crap - the good news is this, every day that goes by is one day closer to the end of Harper's term as PM.
Posted by
leftdog |
6:24 pm, September 20, 2006
Actually... it was 5 PRIORITIES.. He just changed the name to PILLARS after he removed the one. As Cerberus stated, he's using Dion's terminology.
Posted by
Oxford County Liberals |
7:08 pm, September 20, 2006
Right on - here is the link to Cerberus:
Cerberus: Harper drops healthcare, steals from Dion
Posted by
leftdog |
7:50 pm, September 20, 2006