Big Global Reaction to North Korean Nuclear Test

Reaction to North Korea's nuclear test has been immediate and negative. Here is a sample.
Seismic proof of blast
Asian Reaction
Security Council To Meet
Australian Reaction
American Reaction
North Korea Wants Congratulations
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Good job NK....Japan may well pursue a nuke now, and if Japan goes nuclear, South Korea will too.
Mini Cold War in the Pacific? Japan, China, and both koreas are arming themselves to the teeth, and its making other cuntries in the region, especially Australia and Singapore nervous.
Add to the fact that with the Dems shifting firmly leftward and , the Americans may well start withdrawing from their Korean and Japanese bases post 2008. That possibility is scaring the hell outta every democratic nation in the country.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:16 pm, October 09, 2006