Congress Should Open the Books and Jail the Crooks

Halliburton Inc, which was formerly run by Vice President Dick Cheney, benefited greatly from the Bush administration.
The Texas-based company has profited handsomely by securing no-bid contracts for everything from rebuilding in Iraq, to supplying U.S. troops with food, to repairing government facilities damaged by Hurricane Katrina, to building detention facilities in the U.S.
According to an analysis by Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-New Jersey, these no-bid contracts have contributed to the value of Cheney’s Halliburton stock options rising by more than 3,000 percent. In 2005, Cheney’s stock options increased in value from $241,498 to over $8 million.
Buckdog gives you two articles today which stress the point that it is time for the Bush administration to be held accountable for their unsupervised ABUSE OF OFFICE.
Consortium news
Cheney's hand in the cookie jar
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