Free Health Care Offered To Uninsured In New Orleans

As a Canadian who benefits from an incredible public system, this article proves, in my mind, the absolute failings of 'free market' style health care.
Canadian right wingers will try and argue that because we have waiting list challenges to overcome for some procedures, we should abandon the Canadian system. Hogwash!
For these families who cannot afford health care, this clinic brings charity that for many is demeaning. Here we have the richest nation on the planet unable to provide this fundamental human right to some of it's citizens, the right to not die because you don't have enough money to receive medical attention.
By Janet McConnaughey
Associated Press
NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- Hundreds of people still without health insurance in areas hard-hit by Hurricane Katrina lined up before dawn Sunday for the start of a week long event offering free medical care.
Bundled up against the chilly wind, people began arriving at 2 a.m. outside the tents and doublewide trailers offering free care in eastern New Orleans. By the time the first 50 had been called into the registration tent, they numbered in the hundreds.
Each person who wanted a medical, dental or eye appointment got a sheet of paper with a large number printed on it. "This is your ticket to see the doctor," a guardsman repeated, over and over. "Don't leave it in your car. Keep it with you."
-Houston Chronicle
When the US economy went south, thanks to Bush's 'no billionaire left behind' plan, my job was downsized and I lost my health insurance, so since 2004, I have gone without health care to my detriment. There are over 47 million US citizens in the same boat as I am.
Posted by
TomCat |
2:33 pm, January 29, 2007
What's worse is that if this were offered in most areas of the country...the lines would be just as long.
Yes, I'm serious. New Orleans has the eyes and ears of the world right now but they were just as ignored as the rest of the country until Katrina. Health care conditions are just about as bad or even worse in many areas as they are now in New Orleans.
One reason NO has so many in need now is that prior to Katrina they had a pretty good health care system which drew many people in need of medical services to the area.
I still remember the days when I bought antibiotics at the livestock & feed supply store. I know people who've gone to veterinarians for medication too.
We have affordable health care, here's how it works: put aside a couple of hundred dollars so if you get a serious illness you can buy pain pills over the internet and at least die in peace.
Posted by
Not Your Mama |
2:38 pm, January 29, 2007