Harper Will Not Reduce Green House Gas Emissions Until He Can Stablize Them

Get ready for more nonsense on global warming from Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his band of neo Reformers who currently are the government of this country.
Our illustrious leader has announced that before we do anything to start decreasing green house gas emissions, we must find a way to 'stabilize' green house gas emissions.
These guys must sit up late into the night thinking of ways to be stupid and how to lie to the Canadian public.
We have a government who has NO regard for future generations of Canadians. All they care about is their buddies in the oil industry.
tag global warming kyoto
Yeah apparently Baird has said they will do it with "intensity-based targets". Say goodbye to a deal with the NDP if there are no hard caps.
Again we see the Cons aren't serious.
Posted by
Mike |
2:46 pm, February 02, 2007
We have a government who has NO regard for future generations of Canadians. All they care about is their buddies in the oil industry.
Do you ever get tired of being a cliche?
Posted by
Olaf |
3:29 pm, February 02, 2007
I am sorry if the truth hurts. What I said is the truth. The oil industry DOES NOT CARE ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT.
They are in complete strategic denial because they are totally driven by a drive to earn profits!
Posted by
leftdog |
4:44 pm, February 02, 2007
Further evidence that the oil industry does not care about the environment:
"In southern Alberta approximately 55 tons of Sulfur is released each day as residual sulphur dioxide from sour gas processing. The additional sulphur is dispersed over a wide region depending on the wind speed and terrain but if pulses of sulphur compounds are produced within a short time frame (days) or they impact the same area over longer periods of time (decades) acid rain and soil acidification can result." University of Calgary
Posted by
leftdog |
6:11 pm, February 02, 2007
Our illustrious leader has announced that before we do anything to start decreasing green house gas emissions, we must find a way to 'stabilize' green house gas emissions.
The only thing wrong with the above remark is that it seems quite obvious. If you have a positive number, and you want to get to a negative number, you go through zero, no?
Stabilizing emissions seems like a very reasonable and do-able short term goal, and would be a significant accomplishment given our recent history. It also seems like a necessary first step prior to actually reducing emissions.
Posted by
rabbit |
6:27 pm, February 02, 2007
I am sorry if the truth hurts. What I said is the truth. The oil industry DOES NOT CARE ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT.
Ok, generally speaking, I'd say that's true (there are a few exceptions). And generally speaking, neither do Canadians, if they are so vehemently against gasoline taxes and other measures that would cost them money.
My point is, screaming that all Harper cares about is his buddies in the oil industry is too simplistic and very cliche. If that was true, he wouldn't have taxed income trusts. Right? Right. Harper cares about winning the next election far more than his buddies in the oil industry.
Posted by
Olaf |
7:32 pm, February 02, 2007
Exxon earned a clear net profit of $39 BILLION Dollars last year. Is that not sufficient profit for the share holders? Could the record breaking profit taking be tempered by a few billion in order that the industry implement measures to clean itself up a tad .... NOW@!!
With what the science is telling us, anything that doesn't include some rapid decision making done with the existing science that can implement a net decrease immediately is EITHER:
- a denial of the reality of the science (or) a delaying tactic by those whose vested interest remains in perserving the status quo of the entire oil / gasoline industry.
Posted by
leftdog |
7:35 pm, February 02, 2007
Here's an example:
In an industry that produces that level of profit - could the profit taking be tempered somewhat to lower the release of emmision to an average of 50 tons a day - by immediately implementing measures to CUT EMISSIONS?!
We don't need to sit on our hands while Stephen Harper dilly dallys and delays and stabalizes.
Direct action NOW!
Posted by
leftdog |
7:47 pm, February 02, 2007
Ollie ... I posted those other 2 rants before I read your 7:32 pm post. I can concur with fair bit of that.
(Ollie ... can you tell when I'm blogging and need to switch to the decaf??)
Posted by
leftdog |
7:51 pm, February 02, 2007
Boy that is one big stinking pile of Tory nonsense. In the first sentence of your statement - replace the word "environment" with 'The Clean Air Act'.
I posted something on my friend Olaf's site that applies with your bit of nonsense:
"There is an old political maxim that states: "When one finds oneself covered in political shit on a particular issue, attack your opponent and ensure that you get some of the shit onto them. Then we can both look bad in the public's eyes."
On issues of the environment, up until the last couple of weeks, The Conservative Government has NOTHING good that could be said about them in relation to the environment.
NOW ... Harper has seen the polls and has realized the depth of his folly. The strategy here is so obvious and so lame and so desperate, that it is pathetic.
The NDP are trying to make something positive out of the bleakeness of Tory knowledge, skill and ability.
Posted by
leftdog |
8:09 pm, February 02, 2007
Bush opposes caps here too in spite of the report. He says it will cost too many jobs lost to countries who don't do likewise.
Dawg, i came up with a potential solution, and it's posted at my place. Feel free to grab it if you think it appropriate.
Posted by
TomCat |
11:53 am, February 03, 2007