American Military Attempts To Cover Up Civilian Massacre In Afghanistan
A U.S. soldier deleted the AP journalists’ footage that showed a civilian four-wheel drive vehicle in which three Afghans were shot to death about 100 yards from the suicide bombing. The order which required the reporters to erase their film was immediately defended by US military authorities: "Investigative integrity is one circumstance when civil and military authorities will reluctantly exercise the right to control what a journalist is permitted to document," Col. Victor Petrenko, chief of staff to the top U.S. commander in eastern Afghanistan. He added that photographs or video taken by "untrained people" might "capture visual details that are not as they originally were."
The AP disputed the assertions.
"That is not a reasonable justification for erasing images from our cameras," said AP Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll in New York. "AP's journalists in Afghanistan are trained, accredited professionals working at an appropriate distance from the bombing scene. In democratic societies, legitimate journalists are allowed to work without having their equipment seized and their images deleted."
Afghan witnesses and gunshot victims said U.S. forces fired on civilians in cars and on foot along at least a seven-kilometre stretch of road from Barikaw following the suicide attack against the Marine convoy.
U.S. officials acknowldeg that their gunfire may have killed or injured civilians. As well, Afghanistan's Interior Ministry said most of the bullets we American.
tag war on terror war crimes
This who story was pretty sickening but my guess is that it happens all the time. My guess is we don't know half of what is going on.
On another note...
we are tyring to raise awareness about Mark Noonan, Blogs for Bush founder, who at one time claimed to try to rejoin the military after 9/11 but alas he was too old.
Well, he's 42. The Army raised recruitment age to 42 last year. Mark could join, go through basic, and be in Iraq in 3 months.
We are asking around to see if bloggers would like to write a post about it and/or email Mark to get him to put his money where his mouth is.
I think we should send only those who cheerlead the occupation of Iraq over to go fight it.
Anyway, I wrote more about it here and here
Let me know if you email and/or post about it so I can include you on a running list of those who are on board.
Posted by PoliShifter | 12:47 pm, March 10, 2007