Thinking Blogger Award
My friend Tomcat at Politics Plus has awarded me the Thinking Blogger Award.
Thank you very much TC! But because the award is meme based, I am required to name 5 other bloggers who because of their work in the Blogosphere have forced me to think.
I am going to cross political spectrums today in naming my 5 winners. Here are 5 great blogs that force me to think, whether I agree or not is irrelevent:
-Cracked Crystal Ball II by Grog.
-Saskatchewan Citizens Federation by Chad Moats - Mike Stefaniuk - the Jurist.
-Fundie Watch by the Watcher.
-Pissed on Politics by PoliShifter
-Catprint in the Mash by lance.

Nice work, dog!! You deserve it!!
Posted by
Women on the Verge |
4:56 pm, March 23, 2007
Thanks, LD. I appreciate it.
However, I'm afraid that I'm going to decline to pass it on. I try to stay away from the meme's. :)
If you feel you want to choose someone else who will pass it on, please do so.
Posted by
lance |
6:21 pm, March 23, 2007
no prob ... just wanted to share the blogs that people should take a look at. Cheers!
Posted by
leftdog |
7:28 pm, March 23, 2007
I'm flattered - thanks for the hat-tip.
BTW - it works both ways...your writing is part of my daily reading - and occasionally points me to a new variety of lunacy.
Posted by
MgS |
9:19 pm, March 23, 2007
It was my pleasure and privilege to present it to you, even if it was politically difficult for a cat to honor a dawg. ;-)
Posted by
TomCat |
10:01 am, March 24, 2007