Suddenly Al-Qaida Is Everywhere!
-Bush: Al Qaeda Threatens America
-U.S. General: al-Qaida Making New Cells in US
-President Bush speaks about al-Qaeda and the war in Iraq
-Breakfast with bin Laden
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Of course, Al-Qaida is everywhere--in Bush's mind at least. He needs something to take the nation's mind off his sinking fortunes and squandered legacy.
He no longer has Tom Ridge--remember him?--at Homeland Security to raise the terror level as a diversionary tactic to Bush's stumblings.
By the way, did you know about the decline of tourism in Bush's home town? It's so bad. some souvenir shops are closed or have changed the nature of their wares from Bushiana to Americana.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:42 am, July 25, 2007