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Monday, October 29, 2007 

'Enterprise Saskatchewan' - The Saskatchewan Party's Plan To 'Contract Out' The Role Of Government

Tucked away in the platform document of the Saskatchewan Party, is a section that describes the creation of a new agency of the provincial government. Their plan entails gutting the current Department of Economic Development and the creation of a new body of appointed individuals who would advise a future government on legislative, regulatory and budgetary requirements. In other words, the overall role of the government and the legislature would be moved to an unelected body known as Enterprise Saskatchewan.

Here is an excerpt from the Sask Party platform document:

"A Saskatchewan Party government will create Enterprise Saskatchewan,a new public-private partnership between government, business, labour, First nations, municipalities, post-secondary institutions and economic stakeholders. Enterprise Saskatchewan will be Saskatchewan’s central economic development agency.

-Enterprise Saskatchewan will act as the lead agency for developing a long-term provincial labour force development strategy to ensure Saskatchewan has enough well-trained workers to fill jobs and sustain economic growth in our province.
-Enterprise Saskatchewan teams will review key sectors of Saskatchewan’s economy, to identify barriers to growth and make recommendations to government for their removal.
-Enterprise Saskatchewan will consistently act to measure and report on Saskatchewan’s tax and regulatory environment to ensure that Saskatchewan’s economy remains competitive within the New West.
-A Saskatchewan Party government will ensure that Saskatchewan people reap the benefits of our energy resources by:
-Ensuring the continued, sustainable development of Saskatchewan’s conventional oil and oil sands resources;
-Working with the federal government to develop a national energy grid to increase provincial revenues from power exports; and
-Ensuring Saskatchewan is a member of North American and international energy and economic organizations.
-Facilitate direct partnerships between post-secondary institutions and industry to address training needs in growth sectors of the economy;
-Develop a long-term provincial initiative between First Nations, post-secondary institutions and industry to increase the number of First Nations workers in the labour force; and -Increase training and employment opportunities for apprentices, including reviewing the current journeyman to apprentice ratio in consultation with industry and labour.


When you look at the 'role' of Enterprise Saskatchewan, it is pretty easy to see that it is the 'contracting out' of the responsibilities of the provincial government - giving responsibility to an appointed group!

It will allow an unelected body to determine if labour legislation is a 'barrier' to the growth of the private sector. It will allow an unelected body to determine if Saskatchewan's Crown Corporations are a 'barrier' to the growth of the private sector.

It's the ultimate in contracting out!

This is the same "glib talk" political verbiage we got in Ontario with Mike Harris in 1995.

When you see or hear wording like that, prepare for the worst.

It also sounds like something you'd expect from Harper isn't it?

Absolutely. At the moment the only group that has actually identified the perils in the plank is the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour. They understand fully what the implication of this is.

The Saskatchewan Party themselves play down the role that this agency would have in relation to elected government.

Looks like folks in Alberta are now comparing Stelmach to Tommy Douglas because of his royalty hikes, and are looking forward to a government more right-wing government than the Cons in Alberta. They believe they will have their way with a Sask party government.


How typical of Ezra Levant - calling 'Stelmach' a socialist for ensuring that Albertans aren't simply giving their natural resource to Big Oil.

Ezra should spend his time trying to repay the people he ripped off who were taking out subscription renewals to the Western Standard as he was quietly getting ready to shut the rag down!

sounds like the same tired bullshit that has happened all over amerika and in bc. out with the employees and in with accenture. and if you don't know what accenture is just stick around. your job is going to the phillipines and you aren't. cheers.

I look forward to being a part of Enterprise Saskatchewan. Let's legislate "union labour" back to work, or get rid of them.

Sorry to burst your 'delusions' Vance but we will get rid of Wall and Enterprise Saskatchewan before you EVER get rid of organized labour!
Have a nice little term in office!

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