The Saskatchewan Party Faces Three Long Weeks After Full Campaign Made Public
First of all, there is nothing overly remarkable in the package. A little tax tinking here, a little there ... much less than what would have been expected considering the shrieking and theatrics the Party has utilized over the last year in the Saskatchewan Legislature.
So what now? Well, it looks like Brad Wall and the Saskatchewan Party are going to soldier on without any element of surprise or timing for the next three weeks.
It does leave one to wonder how well they would run the government of the province when they can't even run a website!
CBC Saskatchewan
Sort of reminds one of the Conservative campaign with Stockwell Day constantly on the defensive and explaining himself. Then there's the election in 2003; same thing all over.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:37 am, October 16, 2007
Good comparison. The Saskatchewan Party is like a provincial wing of the old Reform Party. Very scary!
Posted by
leftdog |
9:57 am, October 16, 2007
LD said, "It does leave one to wonder how well they would run the government of the province when they can't even run a website!"
I believe we call that openness and transparency. :)
Scary? Humph. So far _nothing_ is scary. Heck, the SP's are going to spend more than the NDP has to date.
Posted by
lance |
12:59 pm, October 16, 2007
There is a joke in NDP circles that goes like this:
Q. How do you give a Saskatchewan Party supporter (especially Brad) a coronary heart failure?
A. Tell them that Dan D'Autremont is doing a press scrum about Sask Party policy on the Crown Corporations!! ;)
Posted by
leftdog |
7:12 pm, October 16, 2007