A Sneak Peek At Stephen Harper's 'War On Drugs' Strategy
Be afraid ... be very afraid ... Stephen Harper is going to protect Canadians from the criminal use of small amounts of cannabis!!!
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What I do not understand is why neither the NDP or Bloc are on board with legalization. For the NDP it is seems that such a move would be as successful as going around the Liberals left flank on Afghnistan.
Posted by
Koby |
3:01 pm, October 04, 2007
The NDP are totally on side with 'decriminalization' of cannabis
Posted by
leftdog |
3:12 pm, October 04, 2007
So are the Liberals. The Liberal position and NDP position are the same. That is not the issue though. I said LEGALIZATION.
Legalization is sexy and headline grabbing which is the whole point. Decriminalization is not sexy and it forces the parties who take such a position to talk out of both sides of their mouths. Take the Liberals. On the one hand the Liberals have long maintained that Canadians should not be saddled with a criminal record for consuming something that is, after all, less harmful than alcohol. It is in this light that Chrétien famously joked about having a joint in one hand and the money to pay for the fine of having it in the other. “I will have my money for my fine and a joint in my other hand.” On the other hand just as they are downplaying the affects of smoking marijuana they have stressed the importance of stiff penalties for trafficking. In other words, the Liberal policy of decriminalization is inherently incoherent; it is political position; it is an attempt to appeal to both sides of the political divide at the same time. One can not argue for tougher penalties for trafficking, which will inevitably lead one to reference the evils of marijuana, while at the same time arguing for the elimination of possession which will inevitably lead one to reference who harmless marijuana is in the greater scheme of things. Indeed, can you image how ridiculous it would have sounded if this is what Chrétien said? “I will have my money for my fine and a joint in my other hand. Having paid my fine I would hope the cops find the person who sold it to me in put him in jail for a very long time.” This is essentially the Liberal’s current position. The problem is that if the act of consumption is not deemed overly ruinous then the whole punitive rationale comes crashing down. Add to mix an acknowledgment that marijuana can serve a medical purpose and you have a conceptual train wreck as a policy. The only good thing to be said about Liberal’s decriminalization policy politically or otherwise is that it could serve as a Trojan horse. Robbed of the ability to charge traffickers with the lesser charge of possession, police may not be able to keep up with the huge number of growers coming onto the market and the whole rotten prohibition edifice may come crashing down. Marc Emery may get his wish. The producers might over grow the system.
Posted by
Koby |
5:00 pm, October 04, 2007
Check out the Majority Government Anti-Drug Plan and much more at http://notstephenharper.com
Please allow me introduce myself - I am not Prime Minister Stephen Harper. He is a persona, an artifice created by party handlers, marketing wonks and image consultants.
I am tired of having to contort and squeeze myself into every message box, sound bite and news hole. Hence PM Steve Unplugged: just me - raw and unexpurgated.
No doubt some cynics will say it's just another sleazy Bulworth-esque marketing ploy to seem edgy and reach the cynical youth demographic using serious attitude and a hip-hopish handle. Meanwhile the marketing-nannies will say I'm committing political suicide by exposing myself unvarnished and uncut. Whatever.
Long live Headbanger PMSteve. Unplugged. at
notstephenharper.com aka notstephenharper.blogspot.com
Posted by
PMSteve |
6:08 pm, October 04, 2007