Liberal Leader Karwacki Taking Heat For His Debate Behaviour!

Most insulting was his comments directed to people who live in Weyburn and the southeast area of the province.
"At Tuesday evening's leaders debate while discussing highways, Karwacki described the Saskatchewan Party's plan as "paving the beer run from Weyburn south straight to the border." Dylan Clarke, manager of the South East Regional Economic Development Authority and chair of the Soo Line Highway Corridor Association, was taken aback by Karwacki's comment.
The association is working towards twinning Highway 6 from Regina to Weyburn and the connecting Highway 39 to the U.S. border, as well as doubling the highway from the border down to Minot, N.D. It would create a four-lane link from Prince Albert into North Dakota, eventually connecting with the Interstate.
"Our group has put a lot of time and effort into what we've done so far with the project and we think there is some tremendous economic, tourism and safety impacts not only for our region but for the entire province. I just kind of thought Karwacki's comment came out of nowhere," Clarke said, adding the Liberal Leader's remark caught the attention of many people in the region."
Leader Post reporter Murray Mandryk indicates that the heat on Karwacki has resulted in an acknowledgement from the Liberal leader ... "Speaking to reporters after, Karwacki acknowledged that his debate night comment that Hwy. No. 6 being little more than a "beer run" to the U.S. might have been inappropriate."
Regina Leader Post