Canadian Economic Outlook Gloomier: IMF - Guess Why Harper Wants An Election?
The international agency chopped Canada's 2008 economic growth target to 1.8 per cent, down from an October forecast of 2.3 per cent and last year's estimated pace of 2.5 per cent. A growth rate of 1.8 per cent would be the slowest pace since 2001, when the U.S. economy fell into a recession.
The Canadian economy has been on a roll in recent years, growing 2.8 per cent in 2006 and a stellar 3.1 per cent in 2004 amid a boom in commodity prices, low unemployment and strong domestic demand.
That strength, however, is expected to wane this year."
Roma Luciw
Globe & Mail
Just the perfect setting to hand over to the provinces more repsonsibility and relieve the feds of so much paperwork.
Let the provinces handle all the healthcare, environment, and other such mattters. At least, that's the pervading thought of the Harperites.
Draining the treasury was the first step and now that the screws are tightening, let the provinces take up the slack.
Harris tried it in Ontario and the place is still a wreck.
Harper's idea of wrecking the land will mean that the next prime minister--who is not conservative-- will have to tax and spend thereby strengthening the conservatives' ideology about Liberals.
Cynical ba*****s.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:40 pm, February 25, 2008
What's this about handing more responsibility to the provinces? It seems the constitution only applies when it suits the agenda of all the left wing nutters. The provinces are responsible for health care and education. it was only under Lester Pierson and the Liberals that the Feds stuck their nose into these areas. Then, after suckering the provinces into these one-size-fits-all scams the Feds scooped the tax money and renegged on paying what they had promised. Under Johnny Cretin (not a typo)the supposed 50% portion that the Feds were supposed to contribute to health care costs dropped to 19% yet they kept the right to make the rules. Now all the lefties want the Feds to bypass the provinces and deal directly with the cities. That's just another recipe for more political turmoil as each administration favours the cities who elect their party.
Give the provinces back their money along with their responsibility as set out in the constitution. Let's eliminate the redundancy in bureaucratic mismanagement. Who needs to waste money on a multitude of helth care and educational overseers at every level of government, each trying to build its own little fiefdom on the backs of the taxpayers.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:42 am, March 20, 2008