Why Is The Premier Of Saskatchewan Concerning Himself With Fixing A $70 Speeding Ticket?
Just for the record, I personally believe that rural volunteer firefighters should be able to get to fires as soon as is safely possible. But you would think that issues such as this are best left to the Association of Rural Municipalities AND the Minister responsible for the Highway Traffic Board; NOT THE OFFICE OF THE PREMIER OF SASKATCHEWAN!
-CBC Saskatchewan
Well, it plays in the media like a "good, common sense" policy, and this works on people who don't think deep... good retail politics for that crowd. I am sure Newstalk 980 for example is playing this up like the its FDR's New Deal.
Posted by
10:56 am, August 13, 2008
Is the premier imitating Harper and Mike Harris and Kremlinising everything?
It's the new way conservatives like to run things; just look at Gary Goodyear at the ethic committee hearings and see how he does the same thing.
It's interesting to see that the gang that can't shoot straight is dictating terms in the same way that drunks try to prop each other up on the way home from a long night.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:04 pm, August 13, 2008
I guess he thinks his 'just plain ole Brad down at the hardware store' schtick will keep his rural voter base with him.
Posted by
leftdog |
2:09 pm, August 13, 2008