Citibank Receives $20 BILLION Corporate Welfare Payment But Still Proceeds With $400 Million Payment For Naming Rights On Mets Stadium!!
-Saskatchewan Party Gives Conflicting Stories On How Their Chief Of Staff, Reg Downs, Came Into Possession Of Stolen Police Reports!
-Saskatchewan Justice Minister In Hot Water Over How Stolen Police Reports Into The Hands Of The Saskatchewan Party!
-Sask Party Justice Minister Caught Giving False Version Of 'Stolen Police Files' Story
It's a complete rape and pillage of the American People. It's Bush's last big corporate giveaway before leaving office. It's making the Iraq Occupation giveaway look like peanuts.
It is my belief they are trying to sabotage the economy and make things so bad so they can pin the economic meltdown on Obama. It's the only way they figure they have a shot in 2012.
Posted by
PoliShifter |
10:43 am, November 25, 2008
If I were a Republican and wanted to prevent Obama from implementing a comprehensive universal health care plan, the best way to stop that would be to bankrupt the US treasury and hobble his administration from any progressive measures that would be to the benefit of the American people!
Posted by
leftdog |
10:52 am, November 25, 2008
What most people don't realize is that it's helping us indirectly. The bailout is causing lenders to practically give away money. You would be surprised at how much cheap and in some cases "free" money is going around out there.
Bailouts for Everyone
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:14 pm, November 25, 2008
Squander, pillage, loot. Those are what Bush & Co are doing these last few weeks. Reminiscent of the "scorched earth policy" perhaps?
Do as much damage and leave as much wreckage so the successor has a tough time and can be the target during the next election.
It worked in Ontario with Mike Harris, why not in Washington and Ottawashington?
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:02 pm, November 26, 2008
"If I did not know better ......... I would say to you that we are witnessing the deliberate pillage of the American treasury by the outgoing Bush administration - giving Billion$ to its friends!!!"
Waitaminnit! IF you "didn't know better?" You mean that isn't what is happening? A trillion dollars handed out to the banks and brokers and no strings attatched. The treasury doesn't even have to say who they gave the money to.
As Woody Guthrie wrote, "some will rob you with a six gun and some with a fountain pen" Personally, I think the sixgun is at least a little less devious.
Posted by
Rev.Paperboy |
3:27 am, November 28, 2008