Harper's Conservative Government WILL NOT Disclose Cost Of War In Afghanistan
Stephen Harper and his Conservative government will not disclose the cost of the war in Afghanistan to the taxpayers.
"The Defence Department cited a national security exemption when it censored a request under Access to Information by the federal NDP for the military costs of Canada's military participation in the NATO-led, United Nations-sanctioned military mission to Afghanistan. [...] Section 15 of the act allows the withholding of any "information the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to be injurious to the conduct of international affairs, the defence of Canada or any state allied or associated with Canada or the detection, prevention or suppression of subversive or hostile activities."
I guess this is 'democracy' .... Harper style!
Hell, even the Editorial Board of the 'Harper friendly' National Post agrees with me!!
"The federal government should compel DND to release the figures to an NDP researcher who has requested them.
National Post Editorial
I believe you have your headline wrong. It should read:
Harper's Conservatives will not
disclose cost of war in Afghanistan.
There is no Government in Harper's Conservatives. Never was and never will be.
I thought you knew that.
We deserve better, don't we?
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:01 am, June 22, 2009
Yes, because there's nothing that could possibly be a national security concern when citing the funding for a war.
You and I know that upon release of those numbers, people like you will go line by line in an attempt to expose malfeasance regardless of whatever else comes to light. You will play political games despite the potential danger to the people on the ground.
Posted by
Mr. Pauly Mac |
12:41 pm, June 22, 2009
In the New Year, Michael faced a difficult decision, whether to join the Liberal Party in with others to form a progressive coalition government. Perhaps the progressive coalition would not have given the Liberals the liberty to exercise itself freely in some areas.
The progressive coalition forced a decision on Michael. A choice to join a medium term coalition with the progressive parties or join a perhaps shorter term coalition the Conservative Party. As Liberal supporter I was saddened by the decision made, because of the consequences it held for Michael and the Liberal Party.
The decision may have not been in Michael's hands. I don't know the decision was made. This questions how important decisions like this are made?
Posted by
tdwebste |
6:24 pm, June 22, 2009
Paul, what an silly comment.
Please explain how Canadians knowing what their own government is doing in Afganistan will endanger people. In any government area, don't citizens have a right to know what policy is being followed, including its costs? If there are competing interest of safety or security, shouldn't depriving citizens of such critical information be carefully justified?
So the government has to explain, not just claim, how disclosing costs would endanger our country's aims.
Posted by
crf |
7:09 pm, June 22, 2009
If you want to know WHAT the government is doing in Afghanistan, it's a mouse click away. There are all kinds of resources online.
That's not what this is about, though, is it? It's about how much it costs. The people who want to know how much it costs will INEVITABLY say it costs too much. The conclusion is foregone. No one on the left will say it isn't enough money.
Then again, some intrepid go-getter can "solve for x" to get a fairly accurate number. How much is the military budget? How much has been disclosed on other missions? The difference, plus or minus, is the amount being spent in Afghanistan.
I see stuff like this as an excuse to cut funding to our forces in a combat zone. Layton is always complaining about them being anywhere near a combat zone fulfilling Canada's treaty obligations.
Posted by
Mr. Pauly Mac |
11:25 am, June 23, 2009