What About Those 17,000 American Children Who Died Without Medical Insurance?
The research, to be published Friday in the Journal of Public Health, was compiled from more than 23 million hospital records from 37 states between 1988 and 2005. The study concluded that children without health insurance are far more likely to succumb to their illnesses than those with medical coverage.
"If you are a child without insurance, if you're seriously ill and end up in the hospital, you are 60 percent more likely to die than the sick child in the next town who has insurance," said Fizan Abdullah, lead writer of the study and a pediatric surgeon at Hopkins.
With some seven million children in the United States currently uninsured, the problem needed addressing immediately, the report said.
"In a country as wealthy as ours, the need to provide health care to the millions of children who lack it is a moral, not an economic imperative," said Peter Pronovost, director of critical care medicine at Johns Hopkins."
Swine flue has killed 77.1 children each month. Lack of insurance kills 70.8 children per month. Caregivers kill 146 American children each month. These three sets of figures are appalling by themselves. Each are important but which gets more play on TV, radio, or periodicals? Americans seem to be saying, "...don't rock my boat..." It's called apathy. Just a few of us care, it seems. Please visit http://theinjusticefiles.org. Please help....Leo G. Alvarez
Posted by
Leo G. Alvarez |
6:24 pm, November 12, 2009