The Ongoing Myth That Stephen Harper 'Supports The Troops'

"A group of disabled Canadian war veterans will head to the Supreme Court of Canada today to battle the very country they once served, in an effort to recoup payments they say were unfairly clawed back. The soldiers are trying to recoup millions of dollars they say have been unfairly deducted from their long-term disability payments. After demanding unsuccessfully that the government stop the deductions and compensate them, they are now going to the Supreme Court to find out whether they can proceed with a class-action lawsuit against the government."
CTV News
And by the way ... where are all of THESE FOLKS when disabled Canadian war veterans are in financial need to put food on the table!
And ... don't hold your breath waiting for this yahoo to speak out on behalf of disabled vets on his Saturday night 'Rock'em Sock'em' segment.
The one thing any disabled soldier needs fear most is the end of the war. Give it a year or two and then it's all "out of sight, out of mind" except for one day a year when we pin silly paper flowers on our jackets. That happened to the WWII wounded and they won their war. We're not going to win this one and the reality of that still hasn't set in to a lot of these flag wavers.
I hate to be this cynical but I was the son of a horribly wounded WWII infantry officer. I know what happened to him and he was one of the lucky ones. I saw what happened to several others who were far less fortunate.
In the 80's I came to know a NHL official whose regular job was with Veterans Affairs. It was his job to prowl the alleys of downtown Vancouver to look for these disabled veterans among the bums. Let's put it this way. There were enough of them to keep him employed fulltime.
Posted by
The Mound of Sound |
11:31 am, January 21, 2010
The situation, as it stands, is not right.
These people commited their lives to and for this Country and for Freedom.
In return, we should commit to their welfare for the rest of their lives.
Anything less than that is not a just affair.
They were "In for a penny, in for a pound".
We should also be "In for a penny, in for a pound", when it comes to their continued well-being.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:47 pm, January 21, 2010