Harper's $1.9 Million Fake Lake Further Proves MYTH Of 'Fiscal Conservatism'
The fact that Harper is spending a $$ BILLION $$ on the G8/G20 meetings is bad enough. Now add a further $1.9 Million for a Fake lake! WTF?!
-National post
-CBC has more ....
Quite frankly, the whole G-20 & G-8 business--and the $1 Billion price tag--should be Harper's undoing.
This amount of reckless spending can't eclipse the Adscam of the Liberals several years back.
The conference and other examples of financial mismanagement will see his government reduced and he will no longer lead.
Too bad that it takes another election to show him the door, but that's politics.
Can't come soon enough for this guy.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:42 pm, June 07, 2010
Conservatives are already quietly acknowledging that majority is something that Harper will not achieve.
Posted by
leftdog |
3:17 pm, June 07, 2010
Like the fake lake in Regina?
Posted by
Unknown |
3:34 pm, June 07, 2010
I admit that's pretty bad though sorry for the broken up comments.
Posted by
Unknown |
3:38 pm, June 07, 2010
Fake lake in Regina? What are you talking about. It is a man made lake that has brought relief to this land locked city for almost 80 years! $tephen Harper'$ lake will be in existence for a mere matter of days???
Posted by
leftdog |
5:48 pm, June 07, 2010