Fresh Winds
From The Prairies
Welcome to Buckdog©!
- BUCKDOG© contains the opinions of a Canadian citizen journalist - Extreme Right wing nonsense is not tolerated well here. Abusive or libelous comments will be deleted. I am a former member of the Federal NDP who has left the Party because of it's current incompetent leadership!
So, what's new?
Posted by
Jim Parrett |
8:56 pm, October 07, 2010
A sober thought - the NDP have done it, too.
Posted by
Jim Parrett |
8:57 pm, October 07, 2010
As I have said before, the Liberals figure they are going to be in power again eventually and they are orgasmic at the prospect that they will be able to ignore democracy because of all the precedents that Harper has set.They are just giddy at the thought that Harper has now made it clear that the governing party doesn't have to adhere to almost any rules of transparency and good governance and they simply figure that when they get into power they will be able to hold that power even more effectively than Harper because he has shown them the way.
So it goes
Posted by
Kirbycairo |
5:11 am, October 08, 2010