Brad Wall's Gov't RENEGES On Promise To Implement New School Funding Formula In Spring Budget
Nix that one. Wall has now decided to delay the new formula until after this fall's provincial election.
The reason is simple. The Saskatchewan Party's base is in rural constituencies. The proposed new formula is going to whack many rural school districts where population is sparse.
"Under the new model, some divisions would see double-digit percentage decreases in their budget."
The Star Phoenix
Curious how so many of the news stories surrounding Wall & his government so often include such words as: reneges, reverses, fails, and deceives. Hm, but i guess it's what is to be expected when a government is more concerned with ideology than with social equality!
Posted by
Scott MacNeil |
8:57 pm, February 19, 2011
Ideologically, the Saskatchewan Party has within its ranks an ideology that is not all that far removed from the American hard Right.
Posted by
leftdog |
4:11 pm, February 20, 2011