Candid Election Camera - Lib Joe Volpe's Canvasser Caught Taking Green Party Flyers Out Of Mailbox And Inserting Lib Pamphlets - Stay Classy Liberals!!
Everyone knows I am not a supporter of the Green Party .. BUT ... I also don't like election antics such as these pics show.
-Liberal Switch-er-roo (Pic by pic)
-Liberal Switch-er-roo (Contact sheet)
-Kady O'Malley gets on the case .....
" Hi Kady:
I do not engage in or condone this type of campaign behavior. When this issue about the canvasser was brought to my attention by the Green Party candidate, in deference to his concern and to the hard work of my own campaign, the canvasser was released by the campaign.
Joe Volpe"
The MSM finally catches up with the blogosphere!
I thought that taking mail of someone was a crime. That green candidate needs to contact the police.
Posted by
susansmith |
1:24 pm, April 24, 2011
And Volpe's right there--it's not like this is some unsupervised random campaign help off dropping flyers, it's a guy helping Volpe canvass. He's doing it systematically right in front of him, it has to be the plan.
Posted by
Purple library guy |
5:41 pm, April 24, 2011
It is upsetting, and I'd be even more upset, but I saw that very same Green candidate on CPAC, going on and on about how their party was above negative politics ... right after taking a swipe at Joe Volpe for his age.
Posted by
The Pundits' Guide |
6:15 pm, April 24, 2011