Pre-Rapture Blogging ...
Okay ... if this is it and it's all going to end in the next 24 ..
-I wish I'd traveled to Rome and Ireland at least once,
-I shouldn't have paid all those bills last week,
-I should have phoned a few people more often than I actually did,
-At least I saw the Saskatchewan Roughriders WIN 3 Grey Cups.
-Best TWITTER hashtag tonight
-Skeeter Davis - The End Of The World (1963)
If the Rapture is real, it would have taken place during the 2009 Grey Cup following the "too many men on the field penalty" and at the precise moment David Duval's kick goes through the uprights. That was Heaven for Als fans and Hell for Rider fans.
Posted by
Michel |
4:24 am, May 21, 2011
I've been to Rome. Saw the Vatican and Coluseum. Don't know what else there is in Rome. Pizza was crappy.
Go Toronto Raptures!
Next Day:
I'm alive!
It will be great that Winnipeg may get a professional hockey team. I hope the same for Hamilton (and Toronto).
Posted by
Skinny Dipper |
5:34 am, May 21, 2011
understand that the SON does not know the exact date on which the following prophesy will occur—"only the FATHER". so, anyone who claims to know the exact date has been misled.
yes, HE will come to snatch up all who are "in CHRIST", but first all who have passed away. "After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the LORD in the air. And so we will be with the LORD forever."(1Th 4:16-17 NIV)
so that you will not be misled today, study the Bible today.(Mat 24:36; Mar 13:32)
Posted by
Nick |
11:48 am, May 21, 2011
I STRONGLY advise everyone to simply ignore Nicholas' preaching. It is nonsense. Pure and simple. Fundamentalist Islam AND fundamentalist Christianity are both indicative of serious emotional and mental illness.
Posted by
leftdog |
9:59 am, May 23, 2011