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Wednesday, November 02, 2011 

Brad Wall Says That Whatever Stephen Harper Asks Him To Pay For The Omnibus Crime Bill - He Will Obey

"PRINCE ALBERT — Returning to the city where he made a recent campaign promise to crack down on violent offenders, Saskatchewan Party Leader Brad Wall expressed support for Ottawa’s tough on crime bill despite the potential for added costs at the provincial level."
Regina Leader-Post: Brad Wall backs Federal Crime Bill despite potential costs

Harper pitting provinces against each other, thats leadership.

As if the provinces pitting Canadians against each other is bad enough.

While this isn't generally a politically correct fact to point out, I do anyways: In Canada the "baby boomers" represent 30% of our total population.

When one subtracts those too young to vote, those imprisoned, and the youth in the 20-30 range who have rightfully lost all faith in the political process you are left with the boomers having over 50% of the Canadian vote. Moreover, considering that they also come from a time where you were truly expected to vote, most of them do.

Our dishonarble Stephen Harper is a brilliant strategist and tactition and he knows that pandering to this demographic will leave him with unquenchable power. The boomers are idealogically left of center.

With this all being said it is the reason for this preposterous omnibus bill on crime going through. It directly panders to boomers fears.

Taxation policy, again panders to the boomers. This in of itself enrages me. Here we have the largest population bubble in history that will tax our medicare system so badly that my kids will be paying for boomers medical bills for the next 50-75 years.

As a moderate I think that more people should be talking about this little tidbit of information. If more of the younger generation got and and voted with the generation x'rs, of whom I belong to at 42 years of age. We might actually be able to block this Machivillian mad man from getting another term.


Check out my blog at www.oddbloke.ca

By the way, any chance you could edit that comment as I made a big mistake half asleep last night.

The line that says:

"the boomers are idealogically left of center"

should read :

"the boomers are idealogically right of center"

That's what I get for commenting way past my bed time.


Hey. Can't edit your original comment but I've just let your revision appear immediately thereafter.

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