Get Ready For Harper's Massive Infusion Of 'War Of 1812' Theme Into Next Canada Day
OTTAWA - The Harper government has hired a consultant to inject a little war into this year's Canada Day bash on Parliament Hill. A Toronto theatre expert has been asked to find ways to insert a War of 1812 commemoration into the July 1st festivities that typically include pop music, dance and pyrotechnics.
"I do big-ass special events all the time, so they asked me to do that," artistic producer Paul Shaw said in an interview. "It's sort of tricky to do a War of 1812 theme when you've got so many modern things in and around it."
The Conservative government, which has been promoting Canada's military culture and heritage, has earmarked money and resources throughout the year to commemorate the bicentennial of the outbreak of War of 1812 in North America.
Yahoo News
"I do big-ass special events all the time, so they asked me to do that," artistic producer Paul Shaw said in an interview. "It's sort of tricky to do a War of 1812 theme when you've got so many modern things in and around it."
The Conservative government, which has been promoting Canada's military culture and heritage, has earmarked money and resources throughout the year to commemorate the bicentennial of the outbreak of War of 1812 in North America.
Yahoo News
What absolutely pisses me off, apart from monarchy, is that our government is actually teaching history based on myth and inaccuracies and not fact. For example, during the first 2012 episode of the Sunday Edition, the host and guests, during an utterly useless contest in an attempt distract people from the realities of this country, mentioned in passing on how Harper was elected.
First of all, people, the PM is not elected. The representative in the House of Commons is elected, then the party with the most seats has the guy that THEY chose to be the "Leader" of the party becomes Prime Minister. In other words, the majority party chooses the Prime Minister, not the people.
Second of all, the myth that is many Canadians believe is being treated like a fact ON A GOVERNMENT RADIO NETWORK. And the one who uttered this odious mistake wasn't even corrected by any one of them. One of them was the fucking mayor of Calgary. They're not only reinforcing this stupid myth, they're also misinforming the millions more who are totally clueless about our system, despite being born here.
That being said, the idea that the PM is elected is as factual as the idea that Canada existed in 1812. "But there was the Canadian militia!" That was a fucking militia that was named after a region or a colony, not a country! And to this day, we're still not a country! What's worse is that the Americans fought the British, not the Canadians. It's like saying that only Canadians stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.
Posted by
Canadian Patriot |
12:53 pm, January 09, 2012