People Need To Understand That Harper Is Not Going To Be Prime Minister Forever ....
... and the Liberals aren't coming back just yet. My vote for Leader of Canada's New Democrats is going to be made very carefully this weekend.
National Post: -Signs Show Conservatives Popularity Beginning To Slip
The next election will be between Harper, Rae and the new NDP leader. The CPC knows it will be Rae for the Liberals because there won't be time for a convention before the next election. At some point Robocoup is going to make it impossible for them to stay in power without calling an election.
Posted by
liberal supporter |
11:00 pm, March 22, 2012
The sad part is that the monarch reigns for life, but who's raising a snit about THAT?
Posted by
Canadian Patriot |
1:03 am, March 23, 2012