Stats Canada Job Numbers Disprove Premier Brad Wall's Assertion That There Is A Labour Shortage In The Province
Wall recently traveled to Ireland with a delegation of business executives and MSM reporters to try and encourage unemployed Irish workers to move to Saskatchewan.
That little adventure has not worked out very well for those Irish who pulled up stakes and came to Canada..
Today, Erin Weir, economist and candidate for leadership of the Saskatchewan New Democrats, issued a news release that shed light on Premier Wall's assertions of a labour shortage:
Twice as Many Unemployed Workers as Job Vacancies in SK
Today’s Statistics Canada report on job vacancies indicates that Saskatchewan has twice as many unemployed workers as job vacancies (27,000 versus 14,500).
Far from a labour shortage, Saskatchewan has a shortage of available jobs. Over the past year, Saskatchewan’s ratio of unemployment-to-vacancies declined from three-to-one to two-to-one. However, we still have a worse ratio than Alberta.
Also, the apparent improvement in Saskatchewan’s ratio reflected an increase in job vacancies (to 14,500 from 9,300) rather than a decrease in the number of unemployed workers, which barely changed over the past year (27,000 versus 27,500).
The provincial government should invest in training and apprenticeship to help unemployed workers move into available jobs. However, the underlying problem is that there are only half as many available jobs as unemployed workers.
The Saskatchewan government should focus on job creation rather than austerity.
Stats Canada
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That was just Harper's scam for big business. He has permitted company's to bring in, very cheap foreign labor, for big business to exploit. One fellow from the Sudan, only earned, $2,100 for a years work. Company's are constantly sniveling about, paying the minimum wage to Canadian workers.
It's the same in the tar sands. Harper is permitting Communist China to buy up the tar sands. China is also permitted to bring their cheap labor to the tar sands. Harper has also said. China can bring swarms over, to build the Enbridge pipeline. Canadians don't get the refining jobs either, those too go to Communist China.
The same in BC. Gordon Campbell thieved and sold BC's assets and resources. He shipped BC mills to China, along with BC's raw logs. Same with BC mines. China is bringing their own cheap labor, to work those jobs too. So, only China and Gordon Campbell, and now Christy Clark gains by, Campbell selling BC out to Communist China. 131,000 BC mill workers, were put out of jobs, by that theft of those resources.
Citizens gain nothing from the tar sands. Only Harper, Enbridge, and Alberta prosper. And, China gets our really cheap oil. Russia is giving China all the oil they need. The dirty tar oil, will be refined and sold by China. Oil sales were always, by the American dollar. Communist China has taken the lead in oil sales. Oil sales will be now changed from the yankee dollar, to the Chinese yaun.
BC stands alone, to fight the Enbridge pipeline. Nor do we want to be a conduit for Communist China, to pick up the dirty tar oil. While other country's are having to escort Communist China from their territories. Harper brings them, right into our own damned back yard.
China has been showing their aggression, around the globe. Even selling infected electronic components to other country's. U.S. missiles and other weapons, had infected components, purchased from Communist China.
Posted by
Gloria |
5:38 pm, September 18, 2012