The Globe & Mail Doesn't Want Me To Link To Their Online Stories And Send Readers Their Way
Over the last few years, I have linked 523 posts on this blog to a story or item in the online version of the Globe & Mail. As a result, a number of you have been redirected to their site ... read their stories and seen their advertising.
Well .. the Globe & Mail no longer wants to maintain that relationship.
I have now used up my '20 complimentary visits' to their site and they want cash on the barrel head from me to send readers their way. I have written a number of emails over the last week to the Globe & Mail administration but they simply don't get it ..... fine.
Kiss my butt Globe & Mail.
I simply cannot see how you think this is a winning marketing strategy to grow your readership.
Been nice to have helped you gain readers up to now ... but ... this is goodbye.
Well, you've just convinced me to stop linking to G&M stories from my own blogsite. I can't believe that newspapers like the Globe and Toronto Star believe that these paywalls are in their long-term financial interest. We're just going to see yet more media balkanization. Ultimately, this sort of fragmentation between the "haves" and "have-nots" is going to lead to a reduction of influence by the mainstream media on the populace. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, it's almost certainly bad news for those chasing after advertising dollars.
Posted by
Sudbury Steve |
12:25 pm, December 21, 2012
Absolutely! I tried to find a way to talk with them and see if some sort of exemption could be obtained for active bloggers (political, sports, cultural, etc) who provide a link back to these publications and actually increase their online readership.
They don't get it.
Posted by
leftdog |
1:35 pm, December 21, 2012
The Globe's "paywall" has been getting more lenient since it's inception.
First it was $9.99 / month, this was later dropped to $0.99. The number of "complimentary" visits have also been increased from 5 to 20.
Paywalls: the last nail in mainstream media's coffin?
Posted by
Richard |
3:44 pm, December 21, 2012