The Senate = A Ball Of Shit .. er .. I mean Abolish It.
It's at the top of their agenda everyday in Question Period and, on Wednesday, leader Thomas Mulcair called on the RCMP to look into the spending controversies.
Well now, her majesty's loyal opposition have launched a new website called the 'Senate Hall of Shame. As you might imagine, it features the five senators that have been in the news of late: Patrick Brazeau, Mike Duffy, Mac Harb, Pamela Wallin and Irving Gerstein.
[ Related: Senator Pamela Wallin audited for over $350,000 in travel expenses ]
The NDP want your help to choose which one of those five should be added to the Hall:
Influence peddlers. Partisans. Laggards. The convicted and nearly-convicted. Over the years, the Senate has seen them all – while the Prime Ministers who appointed them did their best to look the other way.Already included in the NDP's house of dishonour is former Liberal Senator Philippe Gigantès.
The hundreds of failed candidates, bagmen and party hacks that have filled the Canadian Senate are of such questionable character and have made such dubious contributions to public service, many now find themselves in the Senate Hall of Shame.
Who will be the next to join them? You decide. Vote now.
"An aspiring author, [Gigantès] read the entirety of his book into the record of the Senate so he could get a complete French translation, which he would later have published," notes the website.
Andrew Thompson, the Liberal senator who gained infamy in the 1990s for coming to work only 12 times in a seven year period, is also profiled.
Of course there are no NDP senators on the list — that's because the NDP don't have any senators.
You can vote for Brazeau, Duffy, Harb, Wallin or Gerstein here.

Naturally birds of a feather, Libs and Cons, flocked together to vote the NDP's Senate abolition motion down. Wouldn't want to derail one of the most significant cars on the gravy train!
Posted by
Elliott Taylor |
10:16 pm, March 06, 2013