Toronto Talk Radio 640 AM Host Calls Ontario NDP Leader Horwath A 'Whore' On Morning Talk Show

Here’s the transcript, via this blog:
Lou Schizas: Just to get back to our previous quick quotes on Andrea Horwath. I think whore is the operative syllable there.
John Oakley: Well, well let’s not take it that far.
Schizas: What do you mean? She was bought.
Oakley: Alright, bought and paid for. Alright, it’s a pejorative.
Schizas: Alright, Sorry, I’ll take the hit.
Oakley: That’s alright.
Schizas: I’ll take the hit.
Schizas is a business correspondent and joins Oakley for his a “Happy Capitalism” segment.
We’ve left a message with the station for comment and awaiting their reply.
Lou Schizas has neither retracted his comment nor offered an on air apology. The very worst kind of nasty 'Conservatism' ooozes out of every pore of his being. Toronto radio listeners should tune these folks out .......
NOTE: This vile radio program has a 'comment' page where you can tell them what you think of their 'broadcasting standards'.
When CBS radio host Don Imus referred to the Rutgers female basketball team in 2007 as "nappy headed hoes", there was a public outcry demanding an apology and sanctions against the station.
Imus offered the following apology:
"I want to take a moment to apologize for an insensitive and ill-conceived remark we made the other morning regarding the Rutgers women's basketball team, which lost to Tennessee in the NCAA championship game on Tuesday. It was completely inappropriate and we can understand why people were offended. Our characterization was thoughtless and stupid, and we are sorry." and further offered as justification
"Our agenda is to be funny and sometimes we go too far. And this time we went way too far. Here's what I've learned: that you can't make fun of everybody, because some people don't deserve it."
Despite the apology there was a continuing public outcry, the loss of advertising revenue and his radio program was cancelled.
Lou Shizas is no comedian and has no such defense, he is simply a vicious right-wing greed-monger and money grubber pandering to the prejudices of some Limburger-league audience who display their bigotry and ignorance in the media discussion columns of Yahoo Canada.
Shizas' comments towards Andrea Horwath display deliberate insult and malice, and the radio program offering such commentary deserves a response similar to that given to CBS radio.
Posted by
Rene |
11:31 pm, June 12, 2013
I am not surprised by the comments from Radio 640. I never listen to it because it has always been so ultra right wing that it is painful to listen too. I think someone should sue then for libel. To call a Public woman a whore is infantile, misogynistic and probably illegal.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:57 am, June 13, 2013