When An Economist Challenges The Conservative's Pro-Big Business Agenda .... He gets called a 'Bolshivek'. Welcome To Harper's Canada
In 2011 the Harper Conservatives did some loud back slapping about an an out-of-court settlement with U.S. Steel. Then Industry Minister, Christian Paradis said “This settlement demonstrates that the Investment Canada Act is working”
This was an attempt to distract from the fact that under Harper the Investment Canada Act was really only working for big corporations that wanted to buy up Canadian companies.
Turns out even this deal was just another Conservative fabrication. The company never even bothered to restart its massive Hamilton blast furnace, shuttered completely since 2010. On Tuesday, U.S. Steel announced that the Hamilton facility shutdown would be permanent.
Erin Weir, an economist with the United Steelworkers (the Union affected by this shutdown) pointed out that U.S. Steel is closing its blast furnaces in Canada in order to shift high-value production south of the border to the US ... killing Canadian jobs. In response, the Harper administration said nothing. Nothing!
Weir went on CBC’s Lang and O’Leary show to make this case and was called a Bolshevik by Right wing academic and Harper apologist, Ian Lee of the Sprott School of Business!
So once again we see a typical corporate brown-noser name calling anyone who challenges the Conservative's corporate agenda. Big business can’t stand anyone who gets in the way of their unlimited ability to make profit without any regulation whatsoever.
Kudos to economist Erin Weir for standing up for the economic interests of the people of Canada, because, hey .... with Harper in power, someone has to do it.