Andrew Coyne's (must read) Analysis Of The Conservative Party Convention: 'More Cult Than Political Party'???
Columnist Andrew Coyne nails it with his analysis of this past weekend's Conservative Party of Canada National Convention in Calgary. Is this a political party or a cult?
"Thus the Conservative tragedy grinds on. When your only principle is paranoia — when your central organizing proposition is that “everyone is out to get us” — when every criticism is merely confirmation of the essential rightness of that proposition, and every deviation is evidence of disloyalty, then you are less a party than a cult.
I don’t say that is what the party has become. But it is an early warning sign in any group when its members are required to cut themselves off from the outside world.
.. Thanks so much.. its an article that should be far more widely read.. and absorbed.. Its reads more as an Indy blog article or essay.. (has alarmed tone of concerned Canadian heart and soul)
The 'cult' aspect is dead on .. but should be expanded to 'more cult than government'
.. Harper's attacks on Canada and Canadians have now edged into sociopathic manipulation and omnipotence.. and unwillingness (or worse, incapability..) to recognize his country.
.. The Harper Party, Government & unelected contractors, hacks and 'service providers' are all co-joined, in a morbid, decaying amalgam of blindness.. increasingly oblivious to Canadians.
They're just not into us .. its all about them ..
There's no connection.. not even to the vaunted 'base' .. just lip service .. Obviously, the convention 'base' appreciate lip service, as does the clapping seal caucus..
Harper is 'the Elite' .. he claims to distain ..
The rest are lemmings of varying merit badges
Posted by
the salamander |
5:06 am, November 04, 2013