World Shocked At ISIS Beheadings ... while our ally Saudi Arabia continues to whack heads off routinely as part of their justice system!
"In the space of two weeks last month, according to the rights group Amnesty International, Saudi Arabia executed as many as 22 people. At least eight of those executed were beheaded, U.N. observers say. It appears that the majority of those executed in August were guilty of nonlethal crimes, including drug trafficking, adultery, apostasy and "sorcery." Four members of one family, Amnesty reports, were beheaded for "receiving drugs." [...] last year, a reported shortage of trained swordsmen led to some hope that the practice could wane, but recent evidence suggests otherwise. It's an uncomfortable irony given that the United States' current military mobilization was triggered after the Islamic State beheaded two American journalists."Beheading as a form of execution is cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and prohibited under international law under all circumstances," said Juan Méndez, a U.N. special rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, at a news conference in Geneva on Tuesday. "
Washington Post
Editorial note: This post in no way is intended to be defensive of ISIS and its abhorrent practices. It is intended to show that we traveled 'down the rabbit hole' a long time ago in our dealings with the oil rich Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as our 'ally'. According to Human Rights Watch (HRW), at least 69 people were executed by beheading in 2012
As uncivilized as capital punishment is, if you are going to use it. beheading, preferably via guillotine is probably a lot more humane than the lethal injection used by many Amerikan states.
Posted by
rww |
2:35 pm, September 14, 2014