Canada in Afghanistan: $4.1 Billion and Counting!
Canadians need to ask themselves if we are getting value for our expenditure, or are we merely helping George Bush to move his troops from Afghanistan to Iraq?
Postscript: So where are our 'great defenders' at the Canadian Taxpayers Federation when you really need them!! (yeah right)!
Well the Canadian Tax Federation would support this expendature because its about creating stability in the middle east for capital exploitation. Anyway, it's the middle class taxation that will pay this war bill. Remember, they don't mind wasting money as long as it is in their members interests. Lets see, arms manufacturers, oil guys, well you get my drift
Posted by
susansmith |
9:35 pm, May 17, 2006
Good point. The ENTIRE goal of the Taxpayers federation is to remove ALL taxes from ALL corporations and business. At that point, yes the middle class will carry the entire cost of all public expenditures. They are shameless in their lobby efforts - and I just looked in on their blogsite and they are defending the $4.1 Billion dollar expenditure in Afghanistan. Predictable.
Posted by
leftdog |
12:42 pm, May 18, 2006
Your figures are skewed, because if all the military personnel were here in Canada playing checkers in the barracks, they would still get paid. So 4.1 is not a true incremental cost, rather total cost including what would be paid in any event.
Posted by
Richard_Cranium |
1:13 pm, June 13, 2006