Why won't Ralph Klein Just Shut Up and Go Away
He is supposed to do exactly that after December 31, 2006 when he steps down as Premier of Alberta. But in the meanwhile, he keeps flapping his lips. Someone needs to tell him that politically he is what is known as a 'lame duck'. No one cares what he has to say. Clearly even the Conservative Party of Alberta doesn't care what he has to say because they basically kicked him out.
Now, I am also NO fan of Bob Rae. I am a Dipper, so how could I like what he is doing running around with Libs. Bob is NOT my favourite politician either.
But when I read Ralph Klein's verbal attack on Bob Rae, I had to blog.
Where does Ralph get off thinking that he can lecture anyone? Someone needs to stick a cork in his mouth. Maybe a pacifier.
Canoe News
I live in Edmonton and I've despised Ralphie for years, so I'm with you on this one.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:27 pm, October 25, 2006
I guess I can't agree with every point you make :)
I feel Klein's remarks were backed up by these truths,
"He (Klein) said the former NDP leader 'just added to the accumulated debt in that province and drove up the deficit' after taking over the premier's office from the outgoing David Peterson Liberals.
'God knows what he did. He's the only person that I know of that had a day named after him: Rae Days,' Klein said, referring to the unpaid holidays provincial bureaucrats were required to take to cut costs."
Just because Clinton (and I love him) was a Rhodes Scholar too, doesn't mean he's ethical. Point in case - cheating on his wife. Smart guy, dumb husband.
Bob Rae is the same way. Book smart, but what was he thinking as premier?
Posted by
D |
7:13 pm, October 25, 2006
greyburr - I am going to guess that you are an Ontario Tory - nevertheless... to use the two words, Mensa AND Klein in the same sentence is an insult to ANYONE who can walk and chew gum. Ralph is an idiot. TOTALLY. As I said, I'm no big Rae fan either, but Ralph is the last premier to be attacking anyone else who ever was a premier.
(PS - welcome to eblog, I see this is your first post with your BRAND NEW profile!).
Posted by
leftdog |
9:37 pm, October 25, 2006
C'mon Buck,
This is ridiculous. I guarantee you more people in Canada are interested in hearing what Ralph has to say than what you have to say... but you keep flappin' away.
He's a Premier, someone asked him his opinion, and he gave it.
But for the rest of Canadians, many of us sincerely wish that Ralph Klein would just shut up and go away.
Fortunately for us, the rest of Canada doesn't have a vote in Alberta, or else Kevin Taft or (gulp) Brian Mason would have been Premier right about now.
Point is, if Ralph said something inaccurate or objectionable, fine say so, but just because you disagree with him politically (and personally) doesn't mean you have grounds to chirp King Ralph.
Posted by
Olaf |
9:38 pm, October 25, 2006
Oolie .... (ole buddy, ole pal) and you don't trash talk ANYONE on your site .... like say....maybe....Jack Layton.
Sorry O - your comments gotta double standard to them. Can't I do on my site what you do on your site???????
Posted by
leftdog |
10:07 pm, October 25, 2006
Oolie.. sorta like this one...
Olaf's site
Posted by
leftdog |
10:10 pm, October 25, 2006
Olaf if 1 rural vote in Alberta wasn't worth 40 urban votes then maybe our political landscape would look a little differnt, don't you think?
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:11 pm, October 25, 2006
Ooouch! Good one Charlie!!!!!!
Posted by
leftdog |
10:27 pm, October 25, 2006
And Ralphie is the only one to have "Ralph bucks' named after him, where the premier and his gaggle of no-planners gives money away because they can't figure out what to do with it. Meanwhile, schools crumble and parents raise money to prop up the underfounded ed system. Smart planning hey?
Posted by
susansmith |
3:25 am, October 26, 2006
Hey, I criticize people constantly - I'm convinced it's the main reason for my blog - and I ESPECIALLY enjoy Jack Layton bashing. You'll get no argument here. However, I do it based on what they say, not just that they're saying something.
If Ralph said something stupid (which he does on rare occasion), or wrong, or whatever, than I think that it's perfectly reasonable to criticize the guy.
But I don't chirp Layton just on the basis that he's talking, I chirp him on what he says. That's all I'm saying.
Also, I was a little defensive because I've grown up with the man as my premier, I have a soft spot for him. Plus, we don't need no socialist Saskabusher telling us what we should be doin on this side of the border. Ok, sometimes we do... but not in this case; I think his criticisms of Rae were pretty reasonable, is the point.
Olaf if 1 rural vote in Alberta wasn't worth 40 urban votes then maybe our political landscape would look a little differnt, don't you think?
Posted by
Olaf |
8:42 am, October 26, 2006
many Albertans believe that if Ralph's lips are movin' - then he is saying something stupid. From comments I get to my blogsite, there are also a lot of Alberta Tory types who are constantly critical of Saskatchewan. Seems they can dish it out, but they sure can't 'take it'.
In fact I think some Alberta Tory types go into shock when a Saskatchewan type fights back - I am ALWAYS ready to drop the gloves, blacken an eye and then do my 2 minutes in the penalty box! Ralph has to realize that when he attacks people, someone might just retaliate. I know you like him, fair ball. Lots will disagree with you.
At least I used a nice photo of him smiling and winking.
Posted by
leftdog |
11:35 am, October 26, 2006
You're missing the point (on purpose I think).
From comments I get to my blogsite, there are also a lot of Alberta Tory types who are constantly critical of Saskatchewan. Seems they can dish it out, but they sure can't 'take it'.
I can take it if you say why Ralph is wrong, not if you just attack him for talking period. You see the difference?
God knows he makes enough... um... questionable statements to jump all over. So do that; say what he said, and say why he's wrong - but don't just say he shouldn't talk cause you don't want to hear him.
I mean, it's your site, say whatever you want (obviously). I'm just saying that I'd support Ralph's right as a premier and citizen to say whatever he wants, and everyone's right to say why he's wrong, I just don't think it makes much sense to criticize him for the act of speaking.
Posted by
Olaf |
11:43 am, October 26, 2006
And I think you are still missing my point. The Conservative party of Alberta decided that Ralph is now wrapping up his term as Leader and Premier. His exit should be dignified and honourable - something that allows his biographers and history ( and even guys like me) to say that he went out with style and class. BUT OH NO... Ralph has to go out sniping and yippin' - he is a lame duck. Very few people give a crap what he thinks politcally at this point. His own Party obviously doesn't even care what he thinks or they would have endorsed him.
So - where is the class, and the honour as he goes out the door?
Posted by
leftdog |
12:28 pm, October 26, 2006
His exit should be dignified and honourable - something that allows his biographers and history ( and even guys like me) to say that he went out with style and class.
That's rich. One thing that no one, and certainly not you, would call Ralph, at any time, in any circomstances, is "classy".
Anyways, I think we're beating a dead horse here... I'll be back soon I'm sure
Posted by
Olaf |
12:48 pm, October 26, 2006
Olaf, you said, "One thing that no one, and certainly not you, would call Ralph, at any time, in any circomstances, is "classy".
(I rest my case)
Olaf, (I'm kinda funnin' with you - I acknowledge that you like him cause he is colourful - and he is colourful!)
Posted by
leftdog |
12:54 pm, October 26, 2006