Tory MP Anders Nomination to Alberta Court of Appeals

Mr. Anders was being challenged for the Conservative nomination in Calgary West when Party Leader, Stephen Harper intervened and Anders was confirmed as 'acclaimed'.
On Friday, Court of Queen's Bench Justice Alan Sulatycky refused to strike the whole matter.
The Court of Appeal will therefore hold a hearing on November 10th and will decide whether a review can take place as requested by eleven members of the Calgary West Conservative Party constituency association.
Globe and Mail
Tories want documents withheld
I'd love to know what those "damaging papers" have to say.
Having said that, I've never understood how Anders got re-elected in the first place (Getting elected I can understand, re-elected has always baffled me) - the man's an obvious dolt.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:48 am, October 25, 2006