Primitive Japanese Whaling Practice Resumes
Japan must be an extremely primitive nation indeed IF reports that their whaling fleet has left port to commence the killing of humpback whales is true; a practice that has not happened since the 1960's.
I have nothing but contempt for a nation that disregards both scientific evidence and world opinion in their cavalier desire to convert an intelligent and endangered mammal into sushi.
Let me be perfectly clear if I have not yet done so .... the Japanese whaling industry is criminally insane and deserves to be challenged and condemned! What is wrong with Japanese world view that it so blatantly disregards scientific facts - what a primitive nation indeed! Shame on the Japanese! They are NOT a civilized people IF they cannot see that whales are one of the higher intelligent life forms on the planet. They should not be treated the same way that the Japanese commercial fishery treats a sardine. A humpback whale should neither be considered 'food' nor a commercial resource! They are one of the planets higher life forms and deserve to be treated as such.
Sorry, OFF Top
Are you LeftDog?
Thanks for the comment and the link showing the pic at the casino!!
I will have to try to post some pics when I get them downloaded...took TONS at the airport. It was so much fun, but sure am tired this AM :)
Posted by
Nicole |
10:24 am, November 19, 2007