Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez has narrowly lost a referendum on controversial constitutional changes. The Venezuelan people rejected the reforms, which included allowing a president to stand indefinitely for re-election, by 51% of the vote to 49%, officials said.
-Reuters-Telegraph-ABC News-BBC World
I'm impressed that Chavez actually conducted a referendum on this. Taking a pessimistic view, though, if I was an evil despot I might have done the same. If I won the referendum it would lend a democratic patina to my rule. If I lost I would cook up a "national emergency" (e.g., "CNN is trying to assasinate me") to override the results.
If he does keep to the terms, I promise I will refer to him as a tyrant much less than before.
Posted by
rabbit |
12:15 pm, December 03, 2007
So now we also wait to see if George Bush creates an 'emergency' with Iran so that elections in Nov 08 have to be 'postponed'.
Posted by
leftdog |
12:29 pm, December 03, 2007