US Judge Jails All 46 People In Courtroom When Cell Phone Rings!
"Everyone is going to jail," the judge said. "Every single person is gong to jail in this courtroom unless I get that instrument now. If anybody believes I'm kidding, ask some of the folks that have been here for a while. You are all going." When no one came forward, the judge ordered the group into custody and they were taken by police to the city jail, where they were searched and packed into crowded cells."
Fourteen people who could not post bail were shackled and bused to the county Jail, a 30-minute drive away.
Later in the afternoon, after being told reporters were calling, the judge ordered the defendants released.
Judge Restaino has been removed from the bench.
This is the kind of authoritarian nonsense that is slowly creeping into our daily lives. This judge is clearly nuts, but how could the 46 people just go along with such brutal treatment? I suppose any of the 46 who might have resisted could have been tased or shot.
Welcome to the 21st Century! Stay vigilant!!
-New York Times
-Brisbane Times
This is typical American brand of justice. The US definition of justice is peculiar to them. Just ask the wrongly convicted and the survivors of those wrongly executed.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:30 am, November 28, 2007
I would NOT have gone willingly to jail if I were one of the 46. I would have screamed 'blue murder', and practiced some passive resistance by going limp on the floor, screaming every step to the paddy wagon and jail.
This judge should be sent to jail! Yes he has lost his job, but that is not sufficient.
In the same way, the 4 RCMP officers who killed that immigrant in the Vancouver Airport should also be thrown in jail for murder / manslaughter.
Posted by
leftdog |
11:42 am, November 28, 2007
Simply astonishing! I also would have screamed bloody murder. However, they probably would have tazed me, bro.
Posted by
D |
6:17 pm, November 28, 2007