Battle of Fish Creek - Metis Defeat Federal Canadian Forces April 24, 1885

125 years ago this weekend the bloody battle at Fish Creek in Saskatchewan occurred in what was at the time, the North West Territories. While representing a Metis victory over the forces of the Government of Canada, it was merely the prelude to the Battle of Batoche a few weeks later which saw the end of the Northwest Rebellion.
In 1885, the Provisional Government of Saskatchewan was involved in an armed conflit with the Dominion of Canada.
-Wikipedia - Battle of Fish Creek
Gabriel Dumont, one of the leaders of the Metis, was a boy during the last great battle between the Metis and the Sioux in the early 1850's (in North Dakota). Actually it was the last great battle between any of the First Nations. But the battle itself was a result of the decimation of the buffalo and so conflict over hunting territory.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:53 pm, April 25, 2010
After the Battle of Batoche, Riel was arrested but Dumont retreated to Montana where he lived for many years. He did eventally return to Saskatchewan where he lived the rst of his life. I think he is buried at Batoche.
Posted by
leftdog |
10:03 pm, April 25, 2010
thanks for the info. i didn't know that. i came to the blog after watching levin grill blankfein. i wish you had more of it but youtube punishes depth
Posted by
kyle foley |
12:00 am, April 30, 2010