Sask New Democrat Leadership Campaign Moves Into New Year
... it's time to pack away the Christmas decorations ... clean up after
the New Years party and get ready to take the NDP leadership race to
the home stretch ....
Leadership Events
The party has planned an ambitious series of all-candidates' forums in every region of the province. Click here to find the time and location of the forum nearest you!
Information about events organized by individual candidates can be
found by contacting their campaigns. For more information on how to
contact these candidates, click here.
Rainbow Pride Brunch and Open House with Leadership Candidates
Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Rainbow Wellness Resource Centre, GLCR Community Centre, 2070 Broad Street, Regina
The Rainbow Wellness Resource Centre and the SK NDP Rainbow Pride
Committee are pleased to host the Saskatchewan NDP leadership candidates
on Sunday, January 20th, 2013 from 11 am to 1 pm.
There will be a free Brunch hosted by the Rainbow Pride Committee and
an Open House hosted by the Rainbow Wellness Resource Centre (RWRC), a
brand new community health organization serving members of the LGBT2Q
community in Southern Saskatchewan.
There will be a short Q and A with...