Here's How The Corrupt Harper Administration Operates - Defeated Tory Candidate (who cheated on election spending) Gets Senate Appointment!!!
Never doubt how rotten to the core our Federal Conservative government actually is:
"Federal New Democratic Party leader Tom Mulcair ripped into Prime Minister Stephen Harper Thursday for appointing a defeated Conservative candidate to the Senate. Yonah Martin, who lost in the riding of New Westminster-Coquitlam, was given a $132,300 Senate patronage post by Harper.
In addition, Martin's campaign in 2008 failed to comply with the Elections Act by spending $93,778.33, which is more than the legal limit of $85,621.43.
Mulcair, speaking in Rocky Point Park in Port Moody, said Harper has now made 59 appointments to the senate - a figure that he said breaks former prime minister Brian Mulroney's patronage record. "Here you've got a real lulu," he said. "Yonah Martin didn't just get beaten. It has been proved that she cheated in trying to win. The figures show that she overspent the legal limit.
"Stephen Harper is so proud of her for breaking the rules for a democratic election after losing, he names her to a sinecure in the Senate where she's going to draw millions of dollars in salary from taxpayers who are already hardpressed. That's the deep cynicism of Stephen Harper." Mulcair is in B.C. for a series of events to focus attention on Harper's record on the senate, which has been rocked by scandals involving Pamela Wallin, Mike Duffy, Patrick Brazeau and Mac Harb. Since July, he's travelled 40,000 km across the country in the NDP's "roll up the red carpet" campaign to abolish the Senate. According to figures from the NDP, the Senate will cost taxpayers $92.5 million this year. The average senator worked only 71 days last year, the NDP said.
An NDP federal government would abolish the unelected chamber all together, Mulcair said. "We have had the same principled position for 50 years," he said on a covered stage in the park during a latesummer downpour."
Wonder if the Diva from Wadena and the Puffster will attend the swearing in? Quite a little club of sleazoids Harper is building.
Posted by
elvisearp |
9:26 am, August 30, 2013
Wonder if the Diva from Wadena and the Puffster will attend the swearing in...quite a little club of sleazoids Harper is assembling in the rest home for Tory and Liberal bagmen and women.
Posted by
elvisearp |
9:27 am, August 30, 2013
What else should we expect from Harper? He was Policy Chief for his, Northern Foundation of 1989. That should have told people, exactly what Harper really is. Harper doesn't govern, he dictates.
Harper uses every dirty tactic in the book, to stay in office.
Harper's list of degenerates, is as long as his arm.
Now we hear? A judge said, Sona will not go to trial for his robo-call fraud. Harper signed a sneak deal with, the Communist China Army. Harper is sneaking a deal with the TPP.
To stop Harper from completely destroying Canada, with his treachery. We would have to be, another Syria.
Posted by
gingersnap |
11:42 am, August 30, 2013
.. Let's be clear on this matter.. in 2008 Priss Harper wanted to utilize a temporary seasonal worker with resource extraction skills that speaks mandarin, or a brilliant fundraiser, or a pompous venomous distraction like Ezra Levant for the senate position,
... but Yonah Martin is/was unelected, Christian & needed less Economic Action Plan brainwashing from the PMO, buys into the Harper dogma/mantra, knew how to overspend & defend on election expenses for a riding she did not live in ..
.. and most importantly, as the prime minister pointedly pointed out.. in his awkward Toronto lingo/grammar, he filled the vacancy with her, to prevent a potential Liberal-NDP coalition from getting the opportunity ... nice ..
That Yonah can tolerate the bizarre clumps of partisan weasels, political or corporatist clowns and sneering PMO jackals is possibly the strongest plank in the rotting & fetid Harper legacy .. Strangely, she may be a single success.. and not a scandal or idiot or closet racist or up n coming felon..
She certainly seems less scary a creature than Kelly Leitch (elected) .. Jenni Byrne (unelected) or Michelle Rempel (elected) or Bev Oda (retired)
Posted by
the salamander |
2:11 am, August 31, 2013
Strange, this happened Friday and its the first mention of it I have seen.
Posted by
Steve |
9:56 am, September 03, 2013